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Ticket to Work

Ticket to work is a federal program designed to provide support to Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) beneficiaries to reenter the workforce and maintain employment. The Ticket to Work program makes it possible for individuals to explore going to work without losing their benefits.


Ticket to Work Services are free to participants and include career counseling, goal setting, job search support, resume development, interview preparation, ongoing employment support, Social Security work incentive planning, assistance, protection and advocacy.


Our goal is to assist individuals in finding gainful employment and provide ongoing support regarding Social Security Disability benefits and work incentives.


Eligible individuals must be between the ages of 18-64, currently receiving SSI and/or SSDI benefits and be looking to return to work, with the intention to get off Social Security benefits. 



Service Area – Utah & Nationwide

Stationary photo

To learn more, contact:
Erin Higley - Community Employment Coordinator at


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